TeMika Grooms is a visual artist and arts advocate whose muse is the miraculous movements of the human body. Her style is represented by line and color to express feelings, fluidity and freedom. The freedom to simply be, uniquely and unabashed, who we are is our God-given right as human beings; this idea is reflected in her current work.
Having worn the various titles in life, she understands the need for individuals to find balance in roles and self-perception versus societal norms. Women and girls are particularly effected by media imagery. TeMika subtly explores the notion of beauty and strives to reflect positive aspects of femininity of women and girls in her art. TeMika lives with her family in the Atlanta metropolitan area and is excited about her career as an artist. She currently uses her artistic influence by teaching art classes, creating children's book illustrations, participating in exhibitions and supporting local grassroots art organizations in the Atlanta area.